nmap Cheat Sheet

A quick Nmap cheat sheet for your reference, covering essential commands and options:

Basic Nmap Scanning Commands

    1. Scan a single IP:
      nmap <IP address>
    2. Scan a range of IPs:
      nmap <IP range>

      Example: nmap

    3. Scan an entire subnet:
    4. Scan a list of IPs from a file:
      nmap -iL <file>

Common Scan Types

  1. TCP SYN scan (default and stealthier):
    nmap -sS <target>
  2. TCP Connect scan:
    nmap -sT <target>
  3. UDP scan:
    nmap -sU <target>
  4. Aggressive scan (includes OS detection, version detection, script scanning, and traceroute):
    nmap -A <target>
  5. OS and Version Detection:
    nmap -O <target>
  6. Service Version Detection:
    nmap -sV <target>

Specifying Ports

  1. Scan a specific port:
    nmap -p <port> <target>
  2. Scan a range of ports:
    nmap -p <start-end> <target>
  3. Scan top 1000 common ports (default):
    nmap <target>
  4. Scan all 65535 ports:
    nmap -p- <target>

Output Options

  1. Save output to a text file:
    nmap -oN <filename> <target>
  2. Save output in XML format:
    nmap -oX <filename> <target>
  3. Save output in all formats:
    nmap -oA <basename> <target>

Advanced Techniques

  1. Scan using a specific timing template (0–5; 5 is the fastest):
    nmap -T<0-5> <target>

    Example: nmap -T4 <target>

  2. Scan with a spoofed IP:
    nmap -S <spoofed IP> <target>
  3. Disable DNS resolution:
    nmap -n <target>
  4. Traceroute to detect network paths:
    nmap --traceroute <target>
  5. Scan for scripts (e.g., --script=vuln for vulnerabilities):
    nmap --script=<script name> <target>

    Example: nmap --script=vuln <target>

Example Commands

  1. Full TCP SYN scan on all ports with OS detection:
    nmap -sS -O -p- <target>
  2. Fast scan of top 100 ports and output to a file:
    nmap -F -oN fast_scan_results.txt <target>

Helpful Tips

  • Use -v or -vv for verbose mode.
  • Combine multiple options to customize scans, e.g., nmap -sS -p 80,443 -A -T4 <target>

Learn more about nmap.

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